Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Accounting Theory and Current Issues Intellectual Progress

Question: Describe about the Accounting Theory and Current Issues for Intellectual Progress. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this paper aims at explaining the effects of positive behavior on causal accounting in the organization. Construction of models to be tested aim statistical analysis is referred a difficult process by accounting technicians. There is lack of interest in the numerical values that have been provided thus the intellectual project are disliked and perceived as tedious. Accounting uses a lot of theories which cannot be quantified instead of using the explanations that are justified by methods and facts. Positive accounting does not achieve its potential since the research are carried out in prescribed way which makes it cumbersome to make it relevance to the given topic. The scientific objectives are not attained by the research that is being conducted by analysts. There is use of systems for decisions making which are used instead of the human face to face interactions which enhance interpersonal relationships. Lack of a well-designed accounting social system leads to failure in accounting projects that are conducted hence there is lack of positivity. There is dominance of the key accounting journals by the nature of self-replicating that they uses. Lovell (1983) Data mining. Review of Economics Statistics. The records are replaced by the old journal that has been in the system over a couple of years. Useful paradigm is not utilized which may result into future crisis in these organizations and hence need to liberate positive accounting research to achieve its potential. The fact that accounting research is based on testing models makes it cumbersome to derive conclusions of the estimated practice. Pierce (2009) Moral in tooth and claw. The Chronicle of Higher Education. There is ineffective version that is used in accounting and generalizes the ideas like in history perspective; the theories are inclusive of assumptions which cannot be applied in the current world with technology in existence. The world is independent of our imaginations hence we cannot assume that human beings are correct in this context. The observations made are thus completely unconnected with the world which makes it cumbersome to conclude some ideas as true. The confidence in gaining knowledge in the real world then success is termed as the ability to persuade others to get into views of his ideas. Sokal (1996) Transgressing the boundaries: An afterword.,Philosophy and Literature . It is wrong to have only limited validity but at present there is not compelling evidence of limits that may be achieved. The emergence of mainstream accounting programs is a challenge to accounting research thus there exists deficiencies in its application as a scientific research. The concept is much broader than the theorists imaginations; they argue that accounting is pursued by individuals with self-interest motives behind their actions who rationalize their interests through implied contracts in organizations. Zimmerman (1978) Towards a positive theory of the determination of accounting standards. The adoption of certain particular terms in accounts as Foster says was one without any evidence. Human beings act rationally thus they do not work to the best interest of the entity at all times. Regulators and politicians have a detrimental view to accounting research programs which is not the same as that of accountants. Investors use insufficient information which is given to them at the time they are engaging into contractual relationships with their institutions. Analysis The postmodernist view argues that actually nothing exists which is contrary to the accounting concepts because if knowledge exists then it means that they could have no knowledge of it. Georgias argued that the measure of success is defined as the ability to influence others to perform an activity because they lack point of interest and own nothing. Religious studies has enabled the researcher to determine that such preclusions are not good and Godly since forcing others to engage in an undertaking just because they are not educated is not good. The Abraham and Buddhism teachings did not advocate for such sins. The rejection of the theoretical approach by the main religions of the world makes the justifications useless and is assumptions. Zimmerman incorporates the pricing decisions used by the auditor and he makes sure that these generalizations match with the positive accounting programs. Following one line of enquiry leads to closing off others hence the scientific ontology and epistemology advocates for diversity in decision making to rationalize the individual. According to Crombie he explains in what type of world people found themselves in and the measures that they have taken to explore and explain it. The works has been already explored to the extent that no more additional exploration or value adding is recommended. Human beings are not passive objects as it have been assumed by PAT this is because there are basic needs for each and every one to be met through the needs satisfaction. We cannot be in a position to observe the world except through our own experiences of the social actors and the nature of our role. The argument that human beings are different and can be compared to a wolf pack is a critique that does not totally explain the circumstances that are in this overview. The aspect of care is needed in the program which is not emphasized in this context because the use of already derived facts is not invalidated unless fails to meet the criteria specified. Agency problem denies human beings the right to free will because their actions may have causes that are not in line with the scientific studies. Kosmala (2003) The Emperors new clothes, New audit regimes: Insights from Foucaults Technologies of the Self. The administering of the estate of another person is a challenge because it creates an illusion of self-esteem and over confidence by the trustee which otherwise is not present. Agents can choose to so something extremely different by use of free will in accounting for mattes and research programs. The predictable ways of behaving by workers in organizations and companies are not practiced which makes it cumbersome to coordinate activities for productivity and profit maximization goal. The theories applied in accounting research deter trying of something new in the environment of employment. Trying something new leads to discovering of new opportunities and thus the person will be able to ascertain future irrespective of the current conditions that exists in any environment. Laughlin (1995) Empirical research in accounting: Alternative approaches and a case for middle-range thinking. The fact that positive ontology may not be correct leaves the concept a hanging and incomplete justification making the problems more appealing in social than physical sciences. Research questions or the hypothesis and how it flowed from the literature review Falsification of theories and how they impact negatively to the research project of accounting is the hypothesis under discussion. The procedures adopted are: careful observation and preliminary ideas, development of theories that are formal and have got testable predictions. This aspect must be compatible with relevant empirical evidences that are available. The predictions need to be quantitative for proper susceptibility to falsification. Variation of errors is inherent in the falsifications which results to rejection of theories which fails to the test. Lee (1997) The editorial gatekeepers of the accounting academy. There is no empirical data to be used in the creative an imaginative process that can be utilized to enhance actual results are obtained. There is lack of scientific theories which cannot be disproved by the observation. General relativity is competed against by the new contents that are derived by some people who are making their own views. Decisive observations that are applied in this aspect lead to falsification of incorrect theories. The weakness has been identified where the null hypothesis is used as an auxiliary statistical assumption. Humprey (2008) Auditing research: A review across the disciplinary divide. Accounting, Auditing Accountany. The measuring of the test statistics makes it almost improbable to have the compatibility essentials. Strong evidence is not attainable hence mere truths are considered as correct contrary to the fact that they are not correct at any means. It is also never examined when the common notation y = f(x1, x2) is positively related due to the hetero nature of the verbal formulation. The technical assumptions that are found to be similar in nature thus the issue of homoscedasticity is recurring in such independence of the residuals. The deflated independent variable in a regression is never valid as it is associated with independence of the residuals. The magnitude used by the null hypothesis is too small to matter because the same logic is used in the testing for the general purposes. The alternative hypothesis lacks sufficient specifications for application in the different strengths of association. Results are as a result of chance which makes them be unreliable as it is only by the means of chance that they are found to be true. Estimation is improperly used because some ideas require actual data and accurate summations. Claims cannot be easily identified which are correct and the incorrect ones as the old paradigm becomes unfruitful which makes it impossible for standards setters and regulators to base their judgments on the same. Researchers tend to follow inclinations which support their own ideas and end up ignoring the rest. So there is little harm that is done since the research based advice is incorrect. Kealey (2007) The association between audit ?rm tenure and audit fees paid to successor auditor. There is existence of complex organizations where a variety of decisions are influenced by the specialized information and systems of control. The use of inferential methods brings upon quality problems into the surface. Accounting is not more like physics a using the point of view of a physician makes the career complex and difficult to understand. Hodge (2004) Does search-facilitating technology improves the transparency of ?nancial reporting. Accounting is a discipline on its own and does not depend on any other subject for it to make sense. The theoretical models are not designed to be taken seriously and this makes it almost impossible to show reliance on them. The authors immediately discard the richness of some models and end up in purely directional hypothesis. Significance and limitation of the article The importance of the article is measurement of the concepts so far as the underlying data permits such an activity. The ways that are incorporated should be precise and direct to the point. Hay (2006) argues that Audit fees: A meta-analysis of the e?ect of supply and demand attributes. The audit complexity has been in existence for many years in the audit literature, it cannot be easily ignored since it has established itself in audit engagement with adherence to quality standards. Formulas that are not apparently noted by the authors are also difficult to interpret and put into the application. Some coefficients are estimated to be zero which is not the case because they represent a value in their content. Lack of confidence in the derivatives of the same coefficients and in the regression makes to the loss of value and credibility. Inadequate measures in the study which makes the findings inaccurate and studies based on them also irrelevant. The score values raises doubt and an ordinal variable that purports to have a scale. Kuhn (1970). The Structure of Scienti?c Revolutions in the 2nd Edition . The unequivocal negative feedback must be present where there is examining the tendency of managers to escalate their commitment of resources. Information asymmetry does not moderate their behaviors with their superiors .Ambiguity in feedback made it impossible it to commitment as there is variations characterized with the strengths. The personal responsibility disappears in business which is very important in enhancing corporate social responsibility. The model presented by Choi has a mathematical form and that could be subjected to testing for evaluation of errors. Errors could be found in this mathematics and could lead to the whole project becoming affected negatively. Conclusions The accounting theory is termed as a complex due to the audit size increasing and the number of activities to be undertaken are numerous that need an expert advice or a professional approach. The measurement of the concepts is impossible given the seriousness that has to be followed by the researchers and accountants. Hanam (2009) said that Gods Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science . The inconsistency of the results from the study to study makes it unpredictable to derive a common formula that can be used over time. Consistent use of the same definitions is perceived as repetitive and incorrect because there is parity as a result of uniqueness and originality of the values. Replication of work to know which results are false and which are correct makes is a nonsense procedure of repetitive nature. Ittner (2003) Subjectivity and the weighting of performance measures: Evidence from a balanced scorecard. The audit fees and the abnormal accruals have been describe to have a relationship since some firms set their price above the standardized level . Development of rigorous theories is a cumbersome process and the already developed would fail when they are put into practice. Researchers were given time to interfere with the affairs of the community by solving puzzles within an acceptable paradigm. There is crisis in the demographic evidence of Foray which puts the current elite subject to threat and thus provision for an opportunity for replacement. References Hannam, J., 2009. Gods Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science,Icon publishers, London. Hay, D, Knechel, W, Wong, N., 2006. Audit fees: A meta-analysis of the e?ect of supply and demand attributes. Journal of Contemporary Accounting Research 23 (1), 141191. Hodge, F, 2004. Does search-facilitating technology improve the transparency of ?nancial reporting,The journal Accounting Review 79 (3), 687703. Humphrey, C, 2008. Auditing research: A review across the disciplinary divide. Accounting, Auditing Accountany. European publishers, London. Ittner, C.2003. Subjectivity and the weighting of performance measures: Evidence from a balanced scorecard. The journal Accounting Review 78 (3), 725758. Kealey, B, 2007. 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